October Halloween Writing Theme
Monthly Writing Theme

Monthly Writing Theme For October

- Updated 26th September 2022 -

It’s that time of year again… The nights are getting longer, there’s a chill in the breeze and the trees are turning blood red. Whether you’re trick-or-treating or hosting horror movie nights, many of you are going to be enjoying the Halloween season, and what better time to be inspired and get the creative juices flowing?

Of course, as a Gothic writer, this is my favourite time of year and it’s easy to find inspiration if you know where to look; even in your own home…

With NaNoWriMo just around the corner, what better time to flex your writing muscles and craft something to share by candlelight at the next Halloween party!

First Prompt - Missing...

Halloween Writing Prompt 1

Second Prompt - Trick or Treat

Spooky writing prompt 2

Third Prompt - The night I'll never forget

Spooky writing prompt 3

Have a great month of spooky writing and don’t forget to put out your Jack-o-lanterns – who knows who or what may come knocking on your door.

Want to see more Monthly Writing Prompts? Click here! 

If you’re inspired by this, post your writing to twitter! #MoonlightMonthlyWriting.
