Monthly Writing Theme

Monthly Writing Theme: July

Is it July already? Where is the year going? Camp NaNoWriMo has come around again and Twitter writers are polishing off their manuscripts in preparation for another #PitMad. For the monthly writing theme of July, we’re returning to camp for some inspiration.

Inspiration for this month's writing theme

Summer camp isn’t really a thing in the UK. The first time I heard about American style summer camps was the Goosebumps book Welcome to Camp Nightmare. Although I’ve spent weeks in caravans by the seaside, I’ve never pitched a tent… and I always wanted to! But, Camp NaNoWriMo is the closest I’ve ever come to it. I’ve seen a few tv shows and read a few more books about summer camps over the years, so I know it’s a great place to tell some fun and, sometimes, chilling stories.

So here’s three camp-inspired writing prompts for the month of July!

Imagine being trapped in a collapsing world and summer camp was your only refuge? It’s like  the Friday the 13th movies, but in reverse. What supplies would you have? How would you ration them? How would you fortify your camp against the dangers waiting outside?

What would summer camps and family holidays be like in the future? Do you think we’ll make it to other planets for our summer hols?


And there you are! Three writing prompts for the month of July. If you are inspired to write from any of these, please share your short stories in the comments or @tonimoth. 

Take a look at more Monthly Writing Themes. 
