Theme for April
Monthly Writing Theme

Monthly Writing Theme April

April is here! Spring has arrived, the flowers are blooming and it’s time for us to settle in for a month of writing. Whether you’re camping with the WriMos or doing it solo, I hope you’ll find some inspiration from the Monthly Writing Theme. 

Inspiration for this month's theme

We all have that one story that we fall back on. You know the one I mean – the literary equivalent of comfort food. When you go to the book shelf after a long day, it’s often the first book you reach for. Your safety net when you want to feel, not think, when you want to get lost in a magical world. For me, that book is ‘The Secret Garden‘. I loved the idea of a hidden place that belongs only to me and there are so many stories like it. You love reading it and we love writing it!

So how can we create a hidden world of our own? Let’s start with a classic.

April Prompt 1 door

Human beings are naturally curious and what’s more intriguing than a locked door. Why is it locked? What is it hiding? What if I could get inside. 

Now imagine that someone gave you the key. Would curiosity overwhelm you? Would you enter the locked door? 

April Prompt 2 King of the Ocean

I love mermaids, there’s a mermaid in my banner, so of course there would be an underwater themed prompt. This is an example of subverting expectations and I’ve seen these in a lot of other writing prompts. Instagram is full of them and they produce some really fun stories. I may even try this one out myself.

April Prompt 3 Fairies

This may or may not be a hint for an upcoming short story….

And there you are! Three writing prompts for the month of April. If you are inspired to write from any of these, please share your short stories in the comments or @tonimoth. 

Take a look at more Monthly Writing Themes. 
