General page



  • September: School Days

    September: School Days

    September has arrived! Get ready to sharpen those pencils and unleash your creativity as we explore new writing challenges this month.

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  • Monthly Writing Theme: August Celebrations

    Monthly Writing Theme: August Celebrations

    It’s been one year since the beginning of the Monthly Writing Themes, so of course this month we’re going to celebrate! Whether you’re going to a festival, fireworks or celebrating a birthday or anniversary, you’ll find something to inspire your inner writer!

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  • Every Picture: Osaka Sumo Tournament

    Every Picture: Osaka Sumo Tournament

    This week’s picture is from the annual Osaka sumo tournament that I was lucky to attend some years ago. In the story today, a young girl is watching with her friends and finds a clever way to predict the winner every time…

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  • Monthly Writing Theme April

    Monthly Writing Theme April

    The Monthly Writing Theme for April has an otherworldly feel. Get inspired to write this month with these fantastical prompts.

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  • March Writing Theme ~ Celebrating Women Writers

    March Writing Theme ~ Celebrating Women Writers

    This March, we celebrate women who have inspired us with their words across the ages.

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  • Monthly Writing Theme for December

    Monthly Writing Theme for December

    The days are getting shorter, frost is beginning to sparkle on our lawns and twinkling fairy lights are appearing in doorways. Though the shops aren’t open right now, the radio belts out festive songs and the north is welcoming its first few snowflakes… It’s my favourite time of the year and it could not have…

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  • Monthly Writing Theme For October

    Monthly Writing Theme For October

    What are you doing this Halloween? Trick-or-treating? Horror movie marathon? How about crafting your own spooky story with these 3 prompts?

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  • The Whispering Tree

    The Whispering Tree

    In a cold, empty field stands a lonely tree, a tree with ancient secrets. If ten-year-old Maisie gets close enough, it might whisper its secrets to her. Or it might do something much worse…

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  • Every Picture: Matsushima Bay

    Every Picture: Matsushima Bay

    Welcome to the first in my ‘Every Picture Tells A Story’ series. I’ve travelled a lot and taken a lot of pictures of wonderful things. Why not turn those pictures into stories? Every week I’ll be sharing one of my pics along with a short description or short story to go with it. See a…

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  • Lavender Bags

    Lavender Bags

    What would you do if you saw a tiny girl walking through town by herself? Leave her alone? Or ask where she’s going, with her little bag of lavender?

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